Monday, June 6, 2016

Joyous June, Day 6

I'm joyous that we have a kind and close vet.  Nothing major, just Crooksie has some matted fur on her tush and won't let me near her bum.  She's got a grooming appointment as soon as they open tomorrow. I'm thankful that they're close (under 4 miles).

B is home today so I don't have to crate Waffles when I run my mega errands today.  He worked an eight hour overnight shift and is currently sleeping it off. I appreciate that he takes extra shifts to help make our financial dreams possible (aka a water softener this summer).  Again, so much adulting.

I'm finding joy in coupons.  Between Target's Cartwheel app, paper coupons, my teacher discount, my red card, and the Ibotta app, I'm pretty set for saving on things I already need.  Granted, I'm not (and will not be) one of those shoppers that has a ridiculous stock pile of thirty things of laundry detergent, but it's nice to save.

I'm hoping a positive attitude will not only help me deal with the masses of Costco, but bring about happy shopping vibes.  Fingers crossed!


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