Saturday, October 31, 2015

Revisiting October goals

Since it's October 31st, I should probably revisit my {October goals} that I set earlier this month.

1)  For the love of all things holy, I need to finish this dang book:

 Um....nope. I did read The Crossover for Battle of the Books though! 

2) Purchase and start this highly anticipated book:

In the middle, must finish by Wednesday because of a {competition with a student}!

3) Work on our wedding website.

4) Buy a new computer.   We just need to order a case for it.

5) Make the second {DEN ambassador meeting} even more awesome than the first!  I've already got a few more teachers interested in attending, which is great. I have to upload some videos and complete homework by December, but I've got time!

6) Attend a cultural event.  We're actually going to Greek Fest tonight, so this one will be easily accomplished!  One of the great things about Vegas is that there are lots of fun things like this.


7) Visit the {Bellagio gardens}. 


8) Make something with apples.  It might be an apple pie.  It might be apple cinnamon sangria.  Okay, it will probably be the sangria.  A friend just sent me a video of a new recipe and it looks fairly easy.


9) Have a girls day.  We had a {Jamberry} and {Younique} make up party, so I'm counting it!

10) Catch up with old friends.  Yes and no. I have some calls to make.

11) Start Battle of the Books!   We've had our first few meetings, we got the kids notebooks, we've got our system structure set, we've got our first fun activity (Paper Slide videos) planned, and I've read my first book {The Crossover}.  The goal is to read all 8 by April.  

12) Catch up on grading (almost done), finish the next two regions for social studies (the West Region is part way done), and maybe even get ahead in terms of planning (a girl can dream).

I have 33 essays left to grade and enter. The West Region and Great Plains regions are done, I'm just working on the Midwest.

13)  Continue to be extra patient with my students.  Some of them have a lot going on at home and act out in school because they're having trouble coping.  This is totally understandable, it's just taking some additional patience on my end.  Patience that I quickly feel I'm running out of.  It's hard with 34 students.  It's hard when some of them are able to focus for thirty seconds at a time and constantly shout out.  It's hard to continue to be patient when I have ten different private hallway conversations with a student on a daily basis about class norms.'s necessary.  

Yes.  I even added another, putting me at 35.

14) Figure out my school costume.  We're doing a theme for fifth grade...and the theme is balls.  We're not the most appropriate ones, I know.  It's more of a joke for the adults.  I'm thinking of being a disco ball or a bowling ball.  Totally fine costume by itself, but then when the teachers realize that all of the fifth grade teachers have something to do with balls...hilarity will ensue.  The kids won't get it.  But it makes us giggle. 

I was fantasy football.  I wore UNLV grad robes and carried a wand and a football.  Mrs. H wore a jersey, pink witch hat, and carried a wand.  Together we made sense to some.  Not everyone got it, but we're so punny.

The rest of the grade level was a magic 8 ball, an eye ball, and a gumball machine.

So apparently my "top ten" got a little over zealous and I now have 14 goals for the month.  But...overplanning is how I live my life.

Then life changed, goals changed, and I got only part of what I needed to accomplish.  Good thing November starts tomorrow!

What did you accomplish this October?

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