Monday, September 21, 2015

21: Words, Words, Words

Day 21: Favorite Quote

As a teacher, I often look for inspirational quotes when I'm having one of those days.  Those days, when the technology doesn't work, there are impromptu meetings, I've got several parent phone calls to return, and my munchkins are being more lively, non-compliant versions of themselves.  Those days do tend to coincide with full moons, long weekends, or worse, both.  

It's hard to pick a favorite quote.  I'm really, really blessed to be part of the DEN where one of our lovely members posts a daily inspirational tweet.  Most of the time, it's related to teaching, but it's always a nice reminder of why I'm working so hard.

These quotes are unofficially the quotes of the DEN, so I will share 'em proudly:

My tribe.  That's one of the things I'm falling more in love with.  I have the privilege to work along side some amazing educators at my school, whom I both respect and enjoy spending time with.  (These two categories are not mutually exclusive in some cases.)

However, at the end of the day, no one will stay there forever.  Families will move, new homes will be purchased.  I'm privileged to know I have such a great support system that extends beyond the walls of my school.  Heck, it's beyond the boundaries of my state.  Some days, I really, really need that DEN love.

Not related to teaching, but related to life in general:

In a post-breakup, angry, early twenties stage, I read a lot of self-help books.  I had quite a lot of anger that I needed to learn to deal with in a healthy way.  

Then I stumbled upon this quote.

This has really resonated with me.  A younger, sillier version me, had an unfortunate habit of dulling myself down when with a boyfriend.  Not all past boyfriends, but enough that it became a habit.  I was so uncomfortable "outshining" my partner that I'd always take a backseat to his successes.

That wasn't fair to either of us and was a definite red flag that those were not the relationships for me.

A few years ago, I decided to have "shine" tattooed on my wrist as a reminder of this quote and its message.  It's a subtle tattoo, done in a dark red color that blends well with my freckles and complexion.  It's in my own handwriting and is meant, 1000% for me.

(On a side note, my fiance B has never done anything but encourage me to pursue my dreams and shine.  #keeperstatus )

What words have made an impact on you?

Join the conversation and link up for the blogtember challenge!


  1. These are great quotes. It's so important to surround yourself with friends, partners and family who encourage you and help guide you through life! :)

  2. I love it. Finding your tribe is so important. :)
