In the fall of 2012, I was sent to yet another professional development training. I prepped for a sub and showed up at Chaparral High School, looking very much like a high school student. Even though I proudly displayed my school district badge, I was still questioned multiple times about which class I should be in. I know, someday I'll appreciate looking much younger than I really am, it's just not that day.
I arrived in the room marked Discovery Education and found a seat near the back. The room was decorated with a race car theme and the leader's bubbly personality was infectious.
Throughout the course of the day, we learned all about resources on Discovery Education that extend far beyond assessment. One of the most pivotal things we learned about was becoming a STAR educator, which allows access to even more resources.
So I applied and was accepted.
Then we learned about the Discovery Educator Network Summer Institute, which would be held in Burlington, Vermont that upcoming summer. Impulsively and on the provided lunch break, I decided to film my application video. Mrs. B, who was my fellow colleague, filmed it on one take on her phone and I submitted the application before leaving the training.
I returned to my school excited to share what I'd learned, but put the application in the back of my mind. Why would they pick me, a newbie, who had been a DEN STAR for all of twenty minutes before applying?
Well...they did pick me. I attended the summer institute and it was amazing. Catch up {here}.
Upon returning, I participated in the ambassador program and shared the DEN with my colleagues. I then switched schools, moved, and skipped applying to DENSI 2014.
Once the dust of major life changes settled, I decided to apply for DENSI 2015, which I was blessed to attend. Each year they pick a different location and it's always amazing. Catch up more on my adventures in Washington DC {here}.
This year, we're gearing up to make the DEN even bigger in Clark County. For the past two DENSIs, I was the sole representative for not only my district, but the entire state.
Nevada, we can do better. Vegas, we can definitely do better.
So, fellow teachers in CCSD, I invite you to join me for the Fall Ambassador Program, starting October 1st. Yummy food will be provided, you'll get to hang out with me and the DE staff (always a blast!) and most importantly, you'll learn strategies you can take right back into your classroom and meet fellow passionate teachers.
Register on Pathlore!
For me, attending one of these sessions opened the door to meeting my tribe, to re-igniting my passion for teaching, and for making some lasting connections with educators in other states.
(After School Update: See above flyers! I had a colleague already sign up, hooray!)
How will the DEN change you?
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