Sunday, January 3, 2016

I'm ready, I think...

I woke up early this morning with the admirable intention of working on the next region for social studies, which is slated to start in about two weeks.  I poured myself a bowl of cereal, made a mimosa, and gave it a good thirty minutes worth of effort.

But then I decided that no, this wasn't how I was going to spend my last day of winter break. 

Instead, I went back to bed for a leisurely two hour nap.  From there, I tried out my new make up and had a nice long lunch with B, his cousin, and her husband at Buffalo Wild Wings.  We stayed for the whole Cardinals-Seahawks game (tough loss today) and had appetizers, our meal, and dessert.  Since my school is doing Biggest Loser starting tomorrow (which I fully intend to win), I viewed this weekend as Mardi Gras.  We lived it up food-wise.  But tomorrow, the healthy choices start.  Now, don't get me wrong, there will be cheat days, but I'm aiming for good choices 90% of the time.  There's also healthy, friendly competition at work, so that'll be a great motivating factor.

As for that whole work thing...

(This is what my admin posts on Facebook.  They're amazing.)

 My lesson plans are ready. I have a to do list for the morning detailing both what I must do and what I should do if there's time (an important distinction in the world of teaching).  I just cut up pineapple chunks for my water bottle and have a crock pot meal picked out to make in the morning. I think I know what I'm wearing and it's supposed to rain, so there's no point in straightening my hair. I've got a game plan and am only focusing on Monday. I've got Battle of the Books after school, then will enter writing grades.  

I read this {awesome article} this evening:

Then found this online:


I'm ready to start the new year on a positive note.  Who's with me?

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