Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's that time of the year.

And...I'm back to work.

It's Saturday. That being said, I spent about six hours in my classroom and all I really feel I accomplished is making a big mess.

After my final day of math training, I went to my new school to get my keys.  I stayed about two hours because I had my final day of tutoring before the family heads back to Europe.  I managed to get my technology all set up and decided where I wanted my furniture.  I only had to move the filing cabinets and wardrobe twice before being happy with the placement!  I set up my desks in Kagan groups, unpacked the few boxes I had, then headed home.

Last night I finished The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee while packing more.

This morning I woke up around six, typed up the rest of my teacher notes on the novel, wrote a grant for books on donorschoose, then headed over a little before nine am.  I worked until noon, came home to load up again, met up with the boyfriend and bestie, grabbed lunch (my treat...err bribe. Let's be real, it was a sub bribe) and headed over.   We only got to work for about an hour and a half before it was too hot and we had to leave.  (They shut the air off at one and it was close to three.)

Today we accomplished moving about a hundred outdated text books to a storage cabinet, putting math books in all the desks, partially hanging two bulletin boards, and beginning to unpack boxes and organize my library.  We didn't finish hanging the bulletin boards because I use sheets and they had to flatten out.  I staple up the top part of the board, then use anti-wrinkle spray and let them air out over night before stapling the rest.

I think there is a small pile on every desk.  I've taken over about 70% (of the materials I've gone through) so I think this is progress.  I'm just overwhelmed because so many other teachers' classrooms are done.  I need to keep reminding myself that it's okay to not be done. I'll go in tomorrow for a few hours (when the building has AC).  I'll go in for most of the day Monday and Tuesday. I have Wednesday after training, all day Thursday, and next weekend.  My room has to look presentable for open house...which is in 6 days. Yikes!  At least it's a short commute and I have awesome friends who can help.  Plus everyone at my new school seems super friendly and helpful.  It's such a positive, refreshing change.  I can honestly say I'm excited to go to work again.  

However, once it's all done, I will treat myself to a mani & pedi :)

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