Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stop and Jot

I've had several trainings on Close Reading and having students annotate while reading.  While there is lots of different research, I'm going to zoom in on the importance of annotating.  Basically the goal is to get students to practice metacognition, or thinking about what they're reading while reading.  I want my students to move beyond simply reading the words and into thinking critically about what they read.  I want them to interact with the text.  One strategy is to "stop and jot".

Here's our "stop and jot" anchor chart:

(day 1)

(day 2)

You may notice it's not filled in all the way...that's on purpose!  Instead of teaching them all the symbols at once, they learn 1-2 at a time and immediately practice the annotating within text.  I have them work independently and then collaboratively with a partner!

We've been using this lesson idea in our intervention block.  Using this text, we gave students a different purpose for reading each day.  We stressed the importance of re-reading and I think they've done an awesome job with the lessons!

One of their tasks was to come up with alternative titles:

In doing so, they had to think about the main idea and justify their answer choice.

After day 1:

Students' example after day 3:

I had each student use a different colored pencil so there would be student accountability.

I think they're finally understanding that often times, you need to read the same text multiple times :)

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