Monday, October 21, 2013

Rain Gutters

When I first entered my classroom five years ago, the place was a disorganized mess. 

One of the few things I kept from the previous inhabitant was a rain gutter.

I reinstalled it underneath my smartboard to highlight books of interest:

These books aren't able to be checked out because we are using them in small groups or during independent reading time.

Here is our collection of alternative fairy tales, which we used in writing:

These books are AMAZING for teaching perspective and point of view.  I snagged them on Amazon and my students adore them!

Here are our Greek mythology books:

My students are absolutely loving this unit!


  1. Using rain gutters as bookshelves has increased popularity over the years. And there are no surprises there. They are easy to install, space-saver, cheap, and stylish. It's good to hear that your students have been benefitting greatly. Cheers!
    Joann Winton @ AJCRoofing

  2. I love the rain gutters! They're such a great space saver and help me to highlight important books that I want my students to read :)
