Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New TpT products: Gossamer and Holes Novel Units

With the start of the school year fast approaching in Nevada, I'm trying to put my teacher guides on TpT quickly to save you the work :)

My teacher guides include vocabulary and spelling word suggestions, comprehension questions with answers, pre and post reading discussion questions and extension project activities.  They are aligned to RL 5.1 and 5.3 in the Common Core.  There are responses to literature for each chapter, which require students to go back into the text to find textual support.

I just posted two new novel units: Holes and Gossamer


Holes was one of my favorite novels growing up and I love doing it with my students every year in small groups.  It lends itself quite well to inferences and most students have seen the movie version.  They are shocked that the book contains more detail (I'm not sure why that is still surprising), but that lends itself to discussing the differences between text and film (RL 5.7).

Gossamer I read for the first time a few years ago, but love Lois Lowry and once again, she doesn't disappoint.  This novel is wonderful for examining parallel story lines and character development.

Hope you enjoy!  You can download yours here.

Happy reading!

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