
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


ten: my pets (and by default, adoption rescues)

After I earned my masters degree, I adopted my two cats (Chloe and Crookshanks).  I went in for one (Chloe) after seeing her picture on adoption websites, but after seeing her curled up with her sister, I couldn't leave one behind.

So, I adopted both.  This is my greatest buy one, get one for half price deal ever.  (It was $150 for one or $200 for both to cover vet bills, fostering, vaccines, and a donation to the no kill animal shelter.)

(I adopted the cats from Happy Home Animal Sanctuary, one of the Petsmart charity shelters.)

Flash forward several years and I found myself purchasing a home with my (now) husband.  Now that we had a yard, we wanted to expand our family by four paws.  We were looking at one puppy in California, but couldn't justify the drive when there were so many adoptable pets here.  We decided to adopt over the summer so I could be home to supervise the cats and puppy interactions as well as crate train.  

We looked online, found a baby girl mutt that we wanted to meet, and headed out to Petsmart one Saturday morning.  It was love at first sight and we left with our new pup (Waffles) that day.

While they cause me great headaches some days, I couldn't imagine life without my three fur babies.  I am thankful not only for the opportunity to own pets, but that adoption rescues were an option. #adoptdon'tshop

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