
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


 nine: cardigans.  

It might seem silly, but I am super grateful for cardigans.  They turn any top into teacher appropriate attire and add an extra layer of coziness.  I can toss one over a plain shirt and jeans, but look instantly dressed up...or at least, dressier.

I don't like full coats (which is good because I live in a warm climate where they aren't necessary), but cardigans are just enough coverage for my arms on chilly mornings.  

Target's Merona brand is my favorite, but since there are retirement rumors (say it isn't so!), I've got to find a new inexpensive brand to love.  Lularoe has a long cardigan with pockets, but I refuse to pay full price ($70) for one. I've snagged a long gray one, but for half off (because that's more budget friendly).  

However, I can't just buy Lularoe, so any suggestions blogging world?

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