
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Are you up for the challenge?

September and October have passed without any major hiccups.  As November sets in, the month ushers in parent teacher conferences, my 1 year anniversary, Thanksgiving, and a slew of days off.

It also sets up the thankful challenge, where participants (like myself) are tasked with focusing on one positive thing each day to be thankful for. 

It's easy to be cynical. It's easy to complain. It's easy to whine about the amount of work that goes into each parent teacher conference, how difficult it is to attend a 7:22 morning meeting the day after Halloween, or vent about how difficult the students can be the day after a major holiday.  That's the easy path, the one where you've marinated in grumpy feelings and are ready to share them with the world.

Let's focus on another choice: being positive.

Yes, being positive is a choice.  At times, it takes a lot of mental toughness and energy.  At other times, it feels damn near impossible but it is still a choice.  Being positive doesn't mean life is perfect (and often times, far from it).  Being positive and participating in this monthly challenge reflects the unconscious mindset that you attract the vibes you put out into the universe.  If you spend your time looking for all the things that go wrong and loudly, often, complaining about them, it will seem like everything is wrong.  The opposite is also true.  If you cultivate a mindset of being grateful and thankful, you might start to notice the small things and appreciate all that is going right in your life.

Will you join me in this Thankful November challenge? I'll be writing daily (even if I don't share them all) and really trying to limit my negative complaints.  For the next thirty days, my goal is a daily post about something or someone that I am truly grateful for.  Some posts will be heartfelt while others will be silly, but all are written with an appreciative heart.

Are you up for the challenge? 

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