
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Kindness Week and Healing

I'm not sure if it was solely for our school district or a national event, but we celebrated Kindness Week.  It was pre-planned, but coincided with our local tragedy last week.  There is a lot of frustration surrounding conspiracy theories (which don't help the healing process), but there has been an amazing outpouring of love and support from people all around the world.  I truly hope no other city has to experience the hysteria, grief, chaos, and raw emotions that follow a mass shooting, but until gun reforms and mental health reforms are in allowed to occur, I fear Vegas won't be the last.

Unrelated to our tragedy, a mile from my house three teenagers were killed walking down the street when a car was racing another, lost control, and hit them.  There is a growing memorial on the sidewalk and these were innocent children who were doing nothing wrong.  As a teacher, that eats me up inside. These weren't my students, but they were neighborhood kids who went to the middle school across the street from my elementary school.  It hit far too close to home.

However, like many, I was in a unique bind.  I was processing my own emotions, but needed to put on a brave and stabilizing face for my students.  All but one showed up on Monday.  We discussed the event, focusing on the healing efforts and the actions of the heroes (not the murderers).  I did not allow space or time for discussion on the terrorist or his actions.  That is glorifying the madman.  I reiterated that they were safe and loved.

 We made cards for first responders and victims:

They've been delivered to the local fire station, police headquarters, and UMC hospital.

Wednesday night, social media exploded with rumors of shootings that were set to occur on Thursday.  The school district released this statement:

A 18 year old was found to have been making the threats and was arrested.

I had three kids miss on Thursday. I reassured their parents that I understood and respected their concerns.

We keep our doors locked at all times now.  Granted, they are propped open and I have a magnet in the door so it doesn't fully shut, but can be quickly removed in if necessary.  Part of our back to school teacher training was on active shooter protocol.  I'd hope we never have to use it.  After this week, everything feels so personal and too close to home.

We gather as a school on Friday mornings to do the pledge, hear announcements, and sing the monthly song.  In honor of Nevada Day, October's song has always been "Home Means Nevada."  This week it took on a very different meaning.

Many of the teachers, myself included, choked back tears.

I'm glad it was kindness week.  Having several pre-planned activities that focused on spreading love was needed to survive this difficult week.

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