
Monday, February 17, 2014

Self Assessing

In my classroom, we do a lot of formative checks for understanding.  Usually as part of the lesson's closure, I ask for their comfort level with the new content.

Sometimes it's as simple as thumbs up (I've got it), thumbs side ways (I'm confused) and thumbs down (I'm lost).

Sometimes they close their eyes so they can be completely honest with me...this usually happens when I get all thumbs up.  Not that I'm a bad teacher, but one fifteen minute mini-lesson doesn't lead to 100% complete understanding from 31 very different students.  So we try the quick response again, just with our eyes closed.  

We have a lot of conversations that learning is a process and it's okay to not have mastery over a concept.  We use the word yet a lot.  

We also do a 1, 2, 3 or 4 finger response.

1: I'm lost, I need help.  This corresponds with emerging on our proficiency scale.

2: I'm confused.  I'm starting to get the material, but I have questions.  This would be approaching on our proficiency scale.

3: I think I've got it.  This would be meeting.

4: I know I've got it and could explain it to my parents or neighbor.  This level of understanding has to be proven to me and would relate to exceeding.

I found this cute graphic on TpT:

And want it for my classroom!  Perhaps I could just recreate it with my students so there is more meaning.

We also do "clicks and clunks" as lesson closure.  They tell their neighbor what is "clicking" (making sense) and "clunking" (confusing).  I walk around listening so I know what I need to clarify the next day.

I also have them share their clicks on the way out the door with a fist bump.

It's great that they're familiar with assessing their own understanding and being reflective on their learning.  It's important for them to learn to self advocate and speak up with questions.  

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