
Sunday, August 18, 2013

New craft ideas

Starting tomorrow, I have to go back to work.  Next week, I'll have students.  I meet them this Friday which means I have 4 1/2 days to finish my classroom.  I have a few hours during training to set up but most of it will be Monday or Tuesday before I'm officially required to go back.

In preparation for going back, I've been on pinterest looking at ideas.  

Idea One: redo clip boards

 I have a few clipboards in my classroom that have been there longer than there's a little wear and tear.

However, with some duct tape, they can easily become adorable like this one:

I have some Batman duct tape that I could use, but I know Hobby Lobby has a lot of different designs.  With their mobile 40% off coupon, this becomes an inexpensive task.  I can definitely see some pink polka dots and chevron stripes in the future!

Idea two: reusing paper plates on bulletin boards

For my hallway bulletin board, I have a lot of space above the board that just seems wasted.  However, by using decorative plates and dicut letters

I could give that space purpose and not use bulletin board space for the title.

I am a little jealous of the original pinner because I wish my classroom walls were a pretty blue!

Idea Three: Box tops Monster

Our school collects box tops and we have a competition between the classes to see who can bring in the most.  We use these box tops to purchase school supplies.  I think turning a tub into a box top monster would encourage my students to bring them in :)

It's craft time!

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