
Monday, June 24, 2013

First Product! Tuck Everlasting Quote Sort

After a productive afternoon, fueled by Netflix and tea, I have published my first products on TpT, which you can grab the freebie here.  It is a novel sort for Tuck Everlasting, which is one of the exemplar texts for the Common Core.  More importantly, it's a timeless novel (pun intended) that my students absolutely loved.  After we finished the novel as a class, I introduced them to this sort and had them analyze which characters said which quotes.  During their discussions, many referred back to the text to confirm their answers and groups were discussing how they knew it was a certain character based on the author's word choice.  Thrilled by the success of this center, I went on to create more based on the readings we'd done in class.

It is a freebie of the full sort, which you can get here. I have created similar sorts for the Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson's adventures, Number the Stars and the first few books in the Series of Unfortunate Events.  

I laminate the sorts (fifth graders can be rough on centers!) and color code if the book is part of a series.  For example, each of the Harry Potter sorts was printed on a different color so when I inevitably find a yellow quote of "Or worse, expelled!" by Hermione Granger, I can immediately figure out which baggie it goes back in, thus eliminating the headache that always comes with finding missing pieces after school :)  More importantly, my munchkins can be responsible and clean up after themselves and ensure that they're putting the center back nicely for the next group.

Hopefully you find it useful and if you can think of ways that I could improve, please let me know! I thrive on constructive feedback :)  (Although compliments are nice too!)

Ms. Vice

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