
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Time will Tell

All puns aside, we've been working on time this week in math.  I knew from my pre-test and from classroom observations that very, very few of my students retained telling time from their second grade teachers.  Now this is by no means a reflection on the second grade teachers, but rather an observation...and it makes sense.  As a society, we don't really see large analog clocks on a frequent basis (unless you're in a classroom or you've decorated with a statement clock, as I have) but see lots of digital clocks.

We spaced out learning about time into three days.

Day 1

We did a KWL chart on what we knew about time and cut out these clocks:

They were a {free download} from a fellow TpT seller.  We color coded the different hands and labeled them.

I also had to explicitly teach how to use the brads:


Our goal for the first day was to learn the difference between the hands and tell time to the hour.

Day 2:

Today we used the second page from the above download.  We zoomed in on the phrases half past, quarter past, and quarter til.  This was a little tricky for them, so I'm glad we spent a day focused just on this skill.

They did notice I snuck in a mini lesson on fractions with the clock.  Hey, testing is soon!

Day 3: 

We made an anchor chart together:

We zoomed in on telling time to the exact minute.  We warmed up with a {matching game} with analog and digital clocks.

Day 4:

We took a standardized test in the morning, so math today was just a short quiz and this {I have, Who Has?} game to review with table teams.

Up next? 

We're going to make our schedules and focus on elapsed time. I plan to spend 2 days on this, one day focused on elapsed time under an hour and the following day events that are over an hour long.

The next lessons will focus on rounding, adding, and subtracting before starting a modified (shortened) version of Module 2 from Engage NY.

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