
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Easy Elf Adventures

After a busy week, we needed two quick adventures for our elf:

The teddy bear was a gift from a student.   The marshmallows were left behind in the teacher's lounge and were stale, making them perfect for tic tac toe.

The next day involved some lights and a banner:

One more week of elf adventures!


Measuring, Elf Style

We used Snowflake to review mapping skills this past week.

Since my handwriting is quite noticeable, I had Mr. R write instead.

Ms. P made this map of our classroom:

She also bought candy canes, which we hid in the treasure chest:

We used the opportunity to review legends, scales, measuring accurately, following directions, and how to use meter sticks.


December Blues

My oh my was last week a tad crazy.

I spent most of the week helping with the kindergarten ESGI testing.  It's a one-on-one computer based test that each kinder kiddo gets.  There are 44 tested standard, each with between 3 and 100 questions. Understandably, it takes a while.

I also planned a baby shower, a surprise party for Ms. P for her last day, navigated parental concerns (as always), and planned the games for the staff holiday party. 

For the past eight years, school has always let out around the fifteenth.  Due to {contract changes}, we are out December 22nd.  Yes, you read that right.

We go back the 8th of January, but still.  

Next week will be rough. The kids will be all over the place emotionally. I have end of unit tests to give, computer practice for upcoming tests, big preps, and spirit days. 

5 days until winter break.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Elf around the world

Yesterday's elf on the classroom shelf was internationally themed.

A friend from college was recently in Portugal and asked if anyone wanted a post card. I jumped at the chance because it was such a great opportunity for my students.

The post card came in a few days ago, so I went to the library to find books on Portugal.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but we set the elf up to read about holidays.

My third graders are loving the elf's adventures and it's nice to sneak in learning opportunities.  Plus it's December and I need all the help with behavior management that I can get!

Field Trip Fun

This week we braved our first field trip of the year to the Discovery Children's Museum.

It was a first for my mentee and my student teacher.  It was a first for one of my students.  It was of course, the first field trip for our elf as well.

We found a way around the "no touching the elf" rule with a plastic bag. Naturally, it's a magical bag:

Ms. P was super excited for her first field trip. 

She led the kids on a sing along on the bus.

We had some amazing chaperones and the kids had a great time doing some hands-on learning.  The museum staff was helpful and attentive.  

They even replied on Instagram, which made my class super happy.

Post field trip plans? We made thank you cards for our chaperones, worked on our essays, began typing, and silently read.  

After school I had tutoring, decorated for a baby shower, and then went to buy paper goods for the shower. I got home around 7 pm (after picking up Taco Bell for dinner), ate quickly, and passed out.  Field trip days are rough!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Elf, day 3 & 4

Snowflake has been quite the busy elf!

Yesterday, she got caught reading:

We passed out book orders and gave them a few minutes to pick out the books they wanted.  We also reviewed the no touching Snowflake rule.

Today she was under the weather:

We used it as an opportunity to unofficially introduce idioms and figurative language. Many of the kiddos already had background knowledge, which was great to see.

Tomorrow, she's off to a field trip! 

It's cheesy, but it's keeping the kids focused in December. 

Monday, December 4, 2017

Elf on the Shelf, Day 2

Today we read the Elf on the Shelf story, compliments of one of my students.  She has an elf at home and happily brought in the book to share with us.

We made it into a reading lesson by writing down a list of main ideas about how to handle an elf visitor. 

Our elf Snowflake decided to jump into reading today:

Their excitement about our elf is contagious! 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Elf on the Shelf, Day 1

The innocence of third grade means I can do Elf on the Shelf and they still believe in the magic of the season.  The elf is not tied to any specific religion and I clearly stated that she is the winter elf.  As a public school teacher, I can't endorse any religion and there's a very fine line between the separation of church and state.  

Our elf will teach about Hanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.  Our elf will teach about holidays around the world.  

But first, meet our elf:

I purposefully selected the larger, plush elf from Target just in case the elf gets thrown because it won't hurt if it hits someone.  Again, I hope this doesn't happen but it's good to be prepared.

As a class, they named her Snowflake.  This was a natural opportunity to embed some civics skills.  I took student suggestions and wrote them all down:

Students picked their top three favorites and then voted a second time, settling on Snowflake.  

We talked about expressing our opinions, respecting others, and respectfully disagreeing while still being friends. (If only government officials could sit on these lessons.)

My student teacher Ms. P created this amazing sign for our door:

We wrote a letter to the class:

We set up our first day set up:

We discussed the most important rule: No touching the elf or she loses her magic. 

Ms. P and I planned out the rest of the days for the elf, so stay tuned!

I tried...

With all good intentions, I set out on the Thankful November challenge.

I mapped out what I'd share each day.  Then life happened...and I really shared maybe half of what I planned to.

So, here's the rest:

Day 13: Kids. I am thankful for my niece, nephews, and friends' kids. I'd love to have my own some day.  In the mean time, thanks friends and family for procreating and letting me snuggle your kiddos. I will still pass on the diaper changing offers.

Day 14: Snack sized treats. Especially when I can get them on sale after Halloween.  

Day 15: Harry Potter universe and specifically the house of Ravenclaw.  It's a part of my childhood. I embrace my sass. 

Day 16:  My in-laws. They're generous and loving. I appreciate them.

Day 17: Younique make up. It covers my imperfections and lasts ALL day.

Day 19: Dr. Teal's Bubble Bath. It creates great foam bubbles and the large bottles are only $5.  Plus they're available at Target.

Day 20: The dollar spot at Target.  Okay, it's more like the $3 spot, but still. I found these cute cards for my students:

Day 21: Okay, Target in general.  I do my grocery shopping there. A bulk of my teacher wardrobe comes from there. I find most of our house decor from there. It's my happy place.

Day 22: Mr. Sketch Markers.  These are my go to markers for making anchor charts. I don't share them with students. I'm not ashamed of this choice.

Day 23: Candles.  Specifically the {DW} brand I've found recently at Marshalls & TJ Maxx. They are extremely fragrant and the scent lasts the entire duration of the candle.  Sometimes some candle brands are fragrant for the first or second use, but then lose their scent.  Not these!  They come in pretty jars and have pineapple scented ones.

Day 24: My students.  Fifth grade was wonderful, but I'm really loving third grade.  There are less students, which means I can better reach each of their individual needs.  They are still little kids and with that comes a sweet innocence.  They all believe in Santa. They believe they can be anything they want. They aren't jaded or hormonal and still love learning.

Day 25: Best friends.

Day 26: Craft time.  Especially when other people are paying for the materials.

Day 27: Sunshine Committee.  I am in charge of showers (baby & wedding ones) at work. I get to decorate and make things pretty.

Day 28: Naps.

Day 29: Girls Nights. Sometimes we get dressed up and go out dancing. Sometimes we go to dinner and a movie. Sometimes we paint and drink wine.  Sometimes we make gingerbread houses:

Day 30:  Second chances.  I didn't do so well with following through on the November challenge.  Luckily December started and with it, Elf on the Shelf (for the classroom).

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Cyber Monday Sale!

So...I threw a Cyber Monday sale on TpT...and forgot to post about it.

So, round 2!  Visit my {TpT store} for 20% off savings on Monday, December 4th and Tuesday, December 5th!